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The Clean Comic

Jevon Stage Back

Every comedian has a defining moment – a catalyst that ignites their passion for humor. For Jevon Westmoland, this moment traces back to kindergarten. He recalls a comical episode where he pretended to misplace a trash can, only to later reveal it was amusingly stuck to him. “Ever since then, all my progress reports and report cards have said he is a pleasure to have in our classroom, but he is a distraction to others,” he reminisces.

Good Morning

While Jevon’s journey into live comedy might seem recent, his foundation in humor has always been strong. He spent over a decade crafting witty Facebook posts and mastering the art of written comedy. Transitioning from online jests to the live stage, however, was a leap he took just last year. “I’ve been writing funny statuses on Facebook for like 11 years… But I got on stage only last year,” he shared.

Each morning, Jevon creates a “Good Morning” post on Facebook. Through these snippets, he shines a comedic spotlight on the ordinary aspects of daily life – whether it’s hiding snacks from other members of the household or the playful acknowledgment of men’s body hair. His observational humor, rooted in the familiar, is both engaging and refreshing.

Resilience, Networking and Competitions

Navigating the comedy circuit, especially competitions, presents its own challenges. Jevon candidly delves into the dynamics of these contests. “The positioning in a lineup can greatly influence a comedian’s performance and the audience’s response,” he reflects, recalling his experiences of going first or second on stage. While the outcomes might vary, Jevon’s enthusiasm never wanes.

Sometimes, in comedy competitions the results are not based solely on the quality of the act but also the number of supporters a comedian brings. Jevon points out that this was the case at the 2023 Funniest competition, “The first round was based off of crowd votes… someone might bring their entire town to get them through, regardless of performance quality.” 

Despite not always advancing in competitions, he always finds a silver lining. “I always gain something positive from not moving on,” he remarks, showcasing his unwavering spirit.

But what truly accelerated Jevon’s rise in the comedy world is his knack for networking. Armed with a hunger for knowledge and a proactive approach, he’s always eager to learn. “I came in with a networking mindset, talking to everyone… I ask, how did you get here? Or how did you do this?” Through these interactions, Jevon has fast-tracked his growth in the industry.

A Life Transformed by Comedy

Behind every chuckle and guffaw lies a meticulous method. For Jevon, comedy is a craft shaped by rigorous planning and precision. “I perform a bit, record it, then type it out… I highlight where the laughs are… I then run the set multiple times and condense it,” he explains. This iterative process ensures every joke lands just right. Yet, the audience remains blissfully unaware of the labor behind the laughter. “They have no clue about the effort that goes into evoking that laugh,” Jevon reflects.

More than just a career, comedy has been a transformative force in Jevon’s life. “Before comedy, people saw me as lazy, aloof… But with comedy, everything changed. My personal work ethic evolved because of the discipline I cultivated in comedy,” he confides.

In comedy, the ability to resonate with audiences is invaluable. Jevon’s humor, rooted in everyday experiences, connects deeply with people. Yet, behind these relatable jokes lies an unwavering dedication. “I’ve learned the importance of pushing through even when I don’t feel like it,” Jevon says. For him, comedy is more than a passion; it’s a vocation. “I believe I’m operating in my gift,” he reflects, juxtaposing the joy of comedy with past endeavors.

Yet, reaching the pinnacle of comedy stardom doesn’t come without its challenges. Like many artists, Jevon has navigated the demands of traditional jobs – from insurance roles to driving for Uber – all while chasing his comedic dreams. These experiences, though demanding, have enriched his performances with unique anecdotes and perspectives.

The Digital Revolution

Jevon’s journey is marked by a profound commitment to autonomy. He’s not one to wait for opportunities; he creates them. “It’s 2023. At this point, you can kind of make your own breaks,” he proclaims. This spirit of self-reliance is not only the bedrock of his comedic journey but also serves as an inspiration for many budding artists.

In today’s dynamic entertainment landscape, Jevon stands as a beacon of adaptability. He hails the transformative power of digital platforms, asserting, “I don’t need a Jay Leno appearance to gain stardom. I can cultivate it through my social media page.” This perspective marks a pivotal shift from traditional avenues of fame to a more accessible, digital domain.

Jevon’s insights also offer a fresh perspective on the evolving dynamics of the entertainment industry. He paints a picture of the emerging “middle class” in comedy. These comedians, though not household names, earn a significant livelihood from their craft. Through a mix of smart ticket sales strategies and a commitment to clean comedy, Jevon has carved a niche for himself in this segment. “I can now sell four to five tickets per household,” he notes with pride.

Being Clean

Choosing to be a clean comic isn’t just a personal preference for Jevon; it’s a strategic move. This style has opened doors to a variety of venues – from corporate events to nursing homes – broadening his audience and influence.

Jevon exemplifies financial astuteness in the comedy scene. He doesn’t rely solely on club bookings. Instead, he diversifies his income through corporate gigs, social media, and more. This multifaceted approach not only ensures financial stability but also grants him a distinctive standing in the world of comedy.