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Navigating Life with Authenticity

Chad Aboud Ted Talk

Chad Aboud – child actor, successful lawyer, and now motivational speaker came on EncoreNOW to share insights into his life’s transformative journey. His story is not just a tale of career shifts, but a deeper dive into the essence of self-discovery, authenticity, and the continuous pursuit of one’s true calling.

Finding Purpose Beyond Legal Briefs

While many knew him as a successful lawyer, adept at navigating the intricacies of the legal world, there was an underlying quest for something more profound. As time went on, Chad felt a growing disconnect between his profession and his inner calling.

It wasn’t a mere career shift he sought; it was a deeper alignment with his authentic self. Leaving the legal world behind was not a decision made lightly. It required introspection, courage, and a willingness to venture into the unknown. But Chad was driven by a belief that there was a greater purpose awaiting him, one that resonated more closely with his core values and passions.

As he stepped away from the legal arena, Chad embarked on a six-month transformative journey of self-discovery. Each step of the way, he sought to connect more deeply with himself and others, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and the pursuit of one’s true calling.

His story serves as a poignant reminder that success is not just about titles or societal expectations. It’s about aligning one’s career with one’s heart and soul, and having the bravery to chase after what truly matters.

Art and Empathy: More Connected Than You Think

In our conversation with Chad, the intertwining of art and empathy emerged as a central theme. In today’s technologically driven world, where hard skills like coding and data analysis are paramount, Chad underscored the enduring significance of the arts. Beyond mere creative expression, art delves into the human experience, fostering a deep understanding and connection with emotions. This cultivation of empathy, the ability to resonate with another’s feelings, is not just a luxury but a necessity, especially in leadership roles.

Leaders with a foundation in empathy, often nurtured through engagement with the arts, can navigate challenges with a human-centric approach. They prioritize understanding and compassion, ensuring decisions are both logical and considerate. As the world rapidly evolves, the timeless bond between art and empathy stands as a testament to the power of human connection and the profound impact of mutual understanding.

Athletics and Art: Two Sides of the Same Coin

A surprising yet enlightening part of our talk was when Chad drew parallels between athletics and art. While on the surface, they may appear distinct, both demand dedication, discipline, and self-awareness. Whether it’s the grace of a dancer or the agility of an athlete, both arenas teach individuals to be in tune with their bodies and minds.

Chad’s perspective on the confluence of athletics and art offers a fresh lens through which we can view these two domains. At the heart of both is a relentless pursuit of excellence. An athlete, much like an artist, spends countless hours honing their craft, perfecting every move, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. The sweat and toil behind a sprinter’s burst of speed mirror the countless brush strokes that culminate in a masterpiece on canvas. Both require not just physical prowess or artistic talent but a deep emotional investment and a connection to one’s inner self.

Furthermore, both art and athletics are expressions of human potential and spirit. They capture moments of triumph, despair, determination, and vulnerability. An athlete’s journey, marked by victories and setbacks, resonates with the artist’s path of creation and critique. Both journeys are deeply personal, yet they have the power to inspire and connect with a broader audience. Through their respective mediums, artists and athletes tell stories, evoke emotions, and challenge us to see the world and ourselves in new and transformative ways.

Mastering the Art of Public Speaking

Chad’s preferred social media platform is LinkedIn. It was through a series of genuine, heartfelt posts and interactions on the platform that he caught the attention of a two women, who were working on business venture together. His outreach resonated deeply, and one of the women encouraged him to consider applying for an upcoming TEDx event. This serendipitous connection, born out of genuine online outreach, paved the way for Chad to take his message to a larger, global stage.

Chad was selected to be a speaker, and he gave us a behind-the-scenes look into his TEDx talk. He spoke about the challenges of staying connected to the audience, especially when unexpected distractions arise. It wasn’t just about delivering a speech; it was about connecting, being present, and authentically sharing his message.

Unlocking One’s True Potential

Chad emphasized three foundational pillars – self-discovery, authenticity, and the pursuit of one’s true calling. These pillars, he believes, are the keys to unlocking one’s fullest potential. Self-discovery involves introspection and understanding one’s passions and strengths. Authenticity is about being true to oneself, not conforming to societal expectations or living in someone else’s shadow. And the pursuit of one’s true calling is the journey of aligning one’s career and life with their innermost desires and strengths. By embracing these three pillars, Chad believes individuals can rise above the noise of the modern world and carve out a path that is uniquely their own.


Chad Aboud’s journey serves as a reminder that life is not about sticking to one role or one path. It’s about exploring, understanding oneself, and continuously evolving. As Chad pointed out – it’s crucial to find one’s life purpose and walk that path with authenticity.